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2022 Genesis Open Fundraiser 

Information for PPWC Volunteering at the Genesis Open 2022

Entry Tickets - These will be a digital daily entry ticket that will be issued through Ticketmaster. It is a very user friendly system. You will accept the ticket and then take steps to display the ticket on your mobile phone. The tournament is paperless and no paper copies will be accepted.
   1.    Entry Protocols – In accordance with current State of California, City of Los Angeles, and LA County Public Health guidelines, anyone entering the grounds must adhere to the following guidelines for entry to the tournament:

   For those requiring a negative test:
   1.    Negative results within 48 hours prior to entry if from a lab PCR Test.

   2.    Negative results within 24 hours prior to entry if from a lab Antigen Test.

   3.    Yes, even if you are working multiple days in a row, you will have to retest and still provide proof within the required time frame mentioned above.

   1.    Anyone 18 years and older must also provide a government issued photo ID with a matching name to vaccination proof or test result.

   2.    Everyone (regardless of vaccination status) must wear a mask for the duration of the event unless actively eating or drinking.

Parking Passes – Parking passes are attached here; you can either print this pass or you can show the gate attendant from your phone –
Shuttle buses will take you to the main entrance to the event. Plan on 30 minutes from parking garage to entry and a little more time to get to our Stand 6 on the 6th Fairway.
   1.    THURSDAY – SUNDAY, Water Garden – 1620 26th St, Santa Monica, CA 90404

   1.    Thurs-Fri, 4:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

   2.    Sat-Sun, 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.


Attire – PPWC members will wear black or dark blue pants or shorts, white collared shirts and badges if you have them.  We have ordered logo visors as gifts for Club members who participate with a minimum 4 hour shift.  Bring your name badge but we will have PPWC "Volunteer" Badges available.


Tips – We will get a break down of credit card tips per day which will be included on commission check! Tips jars for cash tips will be provided to you. 100% of our tips will be given back to the community in the form of Grants and Scholarships. (A portion of food and beverage sales will also be given to PPWC.)


Registration – Registration will be located inside the Main Entrance gates. Check in at Spectrum Registration but if you have your pass and know your stand, you can go right to it.If anyone needs a ride to their stand, go to the Spectrum Registration tent and have the registration shuttle take you to Stand #6 which is toward the back on the 6th Fairway. Golf carts are there to  assist in shuttling volunteers to and from the stands; please be patient at the very beginning and end of the day as many tents open and close at the same time.  Please also take this into consideration so that you allow plenty of time to get to your stands on time. 


 Upsell – With today’s economy we all know we need to upsell as much as possible.  Put your friendliest people as your cashiers and make sure they greet everyone with a smile and “what may I get for you?”.  After an order has been placed, if there is room for a “higher” sell, cashiers should take the opportunity to ask if they would like a candy bar with that, a drink, or whatever may apply.  Cashiers should ensure that they keep the line moving once the order has been placed and money has been exchanged, making eye contact with the next person in line.


FOOD SALES - Items available at our stand include grilled burgers & chicken sandwich, hot dogs, wraps, chips, cookies, fruit, trail mix, water, soft drinks, Honest Tea and Beer.  Only 2 bottles of beer per order (person) and ask for id if needed.  We pop the top and hand the bottle to the consumer.  


Timeliness – Just a reminder that the times listed on the staff schedule are the times that you need to be in your stands, not at registration.  Please make sure you account for travel time and such when planning on getting to our stand at your scheduled time.


Shifts – You should not leave until your replacement has arrived. Tents close at the end of play and out times can vary. Tents close when the Spectrum manager says they close.  


Finance – If for any reason there is concern about someone that is there, simply call us on the radio and we will assist you; never give your money to someone you don’t know or are unsure of.  Your assigned Spectrum manager will bring your stand sheet, iPads and radio.  If you are ever in need of iPad assistance during the day, please turn to the appropriate channel for finance, state your tent number, and state your needs. 


iPads – We provide iPads to serve as your registers.  We take orders, take payment and collect tips using the iPad.  They are extremely user-friendly and will not take much time at all to pick up on. There will be a customer service team that will be out on the course visiting our stand and troubleshooting any issues that you may have operating the iPads. Finance will bring the iPads to you in the morning and pick them up from you when your stand closes.  The customer service staff is a radio click away!  We use a 2-way radio to contact food services (to order more food), finance and any other troubleshooting necessary.  Always identify yourself as calling from stand 6.  When ordering more food inventory please make it easier on them by making a complete order (ie hot dogs and buns) so they don't have to make too many trips to assist us.


Inventory – We take opening and closing inventory of the product in our stand. And, we will also need to keep track of any product that is added or subtracted to your inventory throughout the day. Remember we get paid based on a percentage of the sales in your stand and inventory plays a vital role in determining the amount of money that our group makes.


Food & Beverages – Anyone working a 4-hour shift is entitled to one meal …this consists of a sandwich, snack item, and a non-alcoholic beverage.  All volunteers are entitled to a non-alcoholic beverage, just please see that this privilege is not taken advantage of. 


Behavior – We want you to have a good time and enjoy yourselves but please be respectful of the players and keep the noise level down when play is happening around you. Anyone that is caught drinking in your stand will be asked to leave immediately and not allowed back for the remainder of the tournament. If someone in your group is caught drinking, the group’s commission may be forfeited and the group WILL NOT BE ALLOWED BACK NEXT YEAR!


Volunteer Waiver Forms - All volunteers are required to fill out and sign the “individual volunteer form”.  Once we receive the waiver, we will send your entry ticket! 

Course Map – Click here for course map. 

Bag Policy - Click here for bag policy. 

Pacific Palisades Woman's Club


Call or Text: 310-745-6400

Address: 901 Haverford Ave

Pacific Palisades, California 90272

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The Pacific Palisades Woman's Club is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit corporation. Tax ID #95-6093461

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